Theindividual selected from "the proverty line" category is to the covered the poverty Amelioration programme of newly constituted implementing the "NEW 20 POINT PROGRAMME". The programme covers various health, agriculture and land reforms, irrigation, drinking water, protection and empowerment of weaker sections, consumer protection, environment and response administration etc. Twenty Point programme consists of 119 items out of which 65 items are mentioned against physical targets 54 items are monitored on evaluator basis. Our krishi Bikash Shilpa Kendra is three tier monitoring mechanism for implementation of TPP86.At the district Level in West Bengal and also State Ievel.
Monthly Progress Reports which covers physical achievements against the set targets for 20 crucial items. The information for Monthly progress Report is supplied / and kept in Record room of our Head Record office at in Village Gentegory Post Palashy, P.S Dhaniakhali Hooghly 712303 West Bengal.