Tapsil Jati Adibasi Praktan Sainik Krishi Bikash Shilpa Kendra
K.B.S.K. completes around 34 years. These 34 years have been the years of spectacular achievements unprecedented development and progress. Though it was not easy to scale these heights, especially in the scenario we were offered by our predecessor. Yet we made it possible because of our well-directed and well - intentioned strategies vision for the development of strong implementation 20 point programme. We have cherished also, to make it a Krishi Bikash Shilpa Kendra to none in all respects.
Our prime concern during all these years had been to provide responsive, corruption free and transparent administration to the people. K.B.S.K. is bound to scale new heights in every sphere of development with team work. Every bit of grain the hardworking people K.B.S.K. produce by toiling hard, day in day out increase the wounds of Kautlya, “It is the people who constitute a kingdom; like a Barron cow, a kingdom without people yield nothing “And it is

they who have give us the opportunity it became a humble servant. One can�t help but be humbled when one enters a shrine. And for us the service of the people is just like entering a shrine. The K.B.S.K. is hardly working and implementation work at 20 point programme in the state of west of west Bengal during this period has witnessed implementation of several farsighted plans such as formulation of new power police to harness immense power potential available in the state of west Bengal new industrial and tourism policies to attract more private investment in these vital sectors, coupled with unparalleled initiatives which has resulted in giving new direction for socio �economic up liftment of the people of the state.

Today , we the people of Krishi Bikash Shilpa Kendra are proud to Say that we stands way ahead of the state of the India Union and Certainly ahead of all the hilly States of the country. The State of west Bengal today is quoted as a successful model of only area development but also for having realized a sort of revolution in the levels.

In the development Report of Planning Commission and programme implementation the State scores high on indeces of human resource develomentation . It�s per capital outlay for sectors is the highest among all the States in the country. The relatively high status of women has been promotive of household economy, education and selfhelp groups. Using data for several indicators classified into various categories of prosperity and budget, law and order health, education consumer market agriculture, infrastructure and investment and employing the technique of principal component analysis, India Today in its survey described our K.B.S.K. as a tril-blazing success story in human development and social infrastructure scripted by a remarkable synergy between government initiative and community participation.

But till date Krishi Bikash Shipa Kendra is not getting nationalization.�former Prime Minister Srimati Indira Gandhi (She was also the Defence Minister at that time) convincing her the detailed course of Business, purpose and future planning etc. and then she (Smt. Indira Gandhi) declared the programmes of KRISHI BIKASH SHILPA KENDRA as the new 20 points programme on the January 14, 1982 from the historical wall of Lal Killah, New Delhi and she directed by her section officer etc. to help to the chief secretary, Govt. of West Bengal to arrange all sorts of help to accelerate the programme of work of our organization . And next year i.e.1983 the New 20 pro grammes has been Nationalized and she directed to our organization to implements the new 20 point programmes in West Bengal (Vide order No. F-2-38(4)83 PMPI dated: 16.04.1983 and that is to say KRISHI BIKASH SHILPA KENDRA now implementing the National programme.

  • Rural Development
  • Adult Education & Distribution
  • Poor Child Education Centre
  • Fight against Poverty
  • Human Resource Development
  • Others Developmental Activities
  • Aim & Objectives

    -- We demand to bring back �the Magic, Garibi Hatao� once again. This is our fundamental right and we deserve this. Let the magic begins.

    -- We demand to accomplice Hon�ble Late Prime Minister�s noble mission by implementing the National 20-Point Programme (Tpp-06) in the right manner and we have to establish the same.

    -- We demand to build a rural economy base for new prosperous India. This is our time; we have to act on this.

    -- We demand every citizen, infant to senile should have the privilege to receive appropriate every kind health care and facilities right from preventive to any emergency condition at very minimal cost through the 20-Point Programme (Tpp-06).

    -- We demand every youth should get freedom and facilities for ultimate development of his / her potentials in youth affairs like sports, education, employment and social activities.